the new Hard Candy polishes have landed at Wal Mart. While I prefer Target...I'll cross any line for a hot new polish!
I cannot get an accurate picture of frenzy so I won't be putting it up in this set. I haven't seen an accurate picture of it yet. Neon seafoam green meets an aqua teal and my camera isn't having any of it.
I can tell you that is in unlike anything I own. The closest is Piggy Polish cosmo toes but CT is much greener and ChG Aqua Baby is by far bluer.
Hot Pants is a beautiful lavender pink with shimmer and hex holo pieces. It's really sheer but I have it over a light purple cream as my pedi and it's very pretty.
HC Rumor Mill

rumor mill is your basic is it black? is it purple? vampy. very pretty anyway in my book!

HC Envy

Envy is just boring old black in low light but when the sunshine hit I heard angels....so brillant.

HC lava

bright tangerine red shimmer... Amazing shimmer really.

HC Mr. Wrong

I don't know another color off the top similar to this one. It's a purple grey with massive gold shimmer. gorgeous.

All of them applied well. The brush on Envy was wonky but everything else was fine. I found these in a new permanent display in the Wal Mart cosmetic dept.
They retail for $5 each